
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Teach Your Child Using Nursery Rhymes and Children's Songs

Nursery rhymes and children’s songs are treasures waiting to be opened.  They contain huge amounts of educational wealth and can not be wasted and ignored.

Enhance vocabulary and motor skills:

Singing, chanting and rhythmic play can increase a child’s vocabulary even as motor skills are strengthened.

Examples:  Ring-Around a Rosie, The Wheels on the Bus, This Old Man, This is the Way We Wash Our Clothes,

Basic school skills:

Nursery Rhymes and other children songs teach the basics of vocabulary, reading, and math while having fun!

Examples:  I Caught a Fish Alive, Five Little Piggies, 10 Little Turtles, 1, 2 Buckle My Shoe

Language and self expression:

Singing songs lays a groundwork for language growth, reading, speaking and self expression

Examples:  If You’re Happy and You Know It, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone, Three Little Kittens

Pulse and Rhythm:

Rhymes strengthen the skill to feel the pulse of language.  It is as important to engage in the physical rhythm of rhymes and songs as it is to sing on pitch.

Examples:  Five Little Monkeys, Three Blind Mice, Hot Cross Buns, Old MacDonald’s Farm

Extra Advantage:

Music has the potential to convey feelings of love, delight and security to children and has the ability to bond families together.

Examples:  Hush Little Baby, Angels Watching Over Me, I Love You-You Love Me,



  1. I love how you gave examples of specific nursery rhymes to match each skill. I wish I knew the exact quote but in Reading Magic, Mem Fox says something along the lines that a child who enters kindergarten knowing 8 nursery rhymes will be more prepared for reading. Powerful stuff.

    1. Yes, I remember reading that too. Reading Magic is a great book. Nursery rhymes really do teach a lot!
      Thanks for reading, Jackie!

  2. This is so important, Ms. Tonya, and so often children are not exposed to nursery rhymes. As a first grade teacher I would refer to nursery rhymes when teaching letter sounds and the children who knew the rhymes were so far ahead in reading by the end of the year. This is a great post. Jackie quoted Mem Fox and with a very correct quote. Thanks so much, Carolyn

    1. It is so amazing that a lot of children have not been taught nursery rhymes in the home. Thanks for giving us an example of how those who knew the nursery rhymes had an easier time learning to read.

  3. Miss Tonya~
    Thank you for this post. This is so important for English Language Learners. If they are not purposefully exposed to nursery rhymes the miss out on this foundational part of American culture.
    Thanks so much
    Fun To Teach

  4. Thanks for the post and great tips: even I also think that hard work is the most important aspect of getting success. website
